(NB: No Bo-Peep or Shepherd was harmed in the making of this dish)

Serves 4


6 medium potatoes (cooked & mashed)

1 large diced onion

6 cubed carrots

300g sliced mushrooms

2 cups frozen peas

1 Tablespoon coconut oil

2 Tablespoons tomato paste

2 Tablespoons flour (or corn flour or gluten free flour)

½ cup of red wine (or vegetarian stock)

2 cups of vegetarian stock (or 2 stock cubes + 2 cups boiling water)

2 cloves garlic

Grated cheese (to top) (nutritional yeast or vegan cheese is also lovely)


Cook & mash your potatoes with butter (olive oil) & milk (or plant-based milk).

In a frying pan, sauté your onion, add your carrots & mushrooms.  When the carrots are soft add tomato paste & flour.  Stir, even the crunchy bits on the bottom.  Add the red wine (or stock), allow to reduce.  Add the vegetarian stock (or stock cubes + water).  Allow the gravy to thicken.  Add the frozen peas & use a garlic press to squeeze in the garlic, stir.  Place into the serving dish, cover with mashed potato & grated cheese.  Place in the oven to melt the cheese until brown.

Or allow to cool & reheat on 180 degrees C for 30 mins or until piping hot.